Saturday, September 20, 2008

2008 continues to STINK!

The emotional rollercoaster that is my life this year has just made another loop-to-loop. I tried to be professional and tell my principal early that I would be moving.I made the mistake of saying that the end date as something we could decide on and I would support anything that was for the good of my students. WRONG. Now I am out of a job. No lie when I was first told, I was thinking it would be a relief and I could focus on moving....but now, I dunno. This district is way messed up and I have been waiting to be put on the list to sub, but apparently there's problems with that. More than that, I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave my class. I tried not to cry all day, but the last hour was just too much. More than that I wasn't able to really tell my kids goodbye because of an assembly and then I had to be at the an interview (I'm on the committee) at 2:15- school ends at 2:30. Great right. Then Mike came and helped me clean out my room. All that work, days and days, and we took it down in 3 hours. If this wasn't bad enough, I still have to do report cards, update my grade book, and grade the last two weeks worth of work by Monday. This has been a whirl wind week. I know the oppurtunities in Albuquerque are great and that's what I'm trying to focus on. Please pray for us- for a job for me (now), and moving two households.

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