Saturday, December 6, 2008

I Am Sick of Being Sick!

I am so super excited to b e having a baby! BUT I am no longer excited about the naive thought that I would look forward to all of the funny little symptoms that go along with it. To them I say BOO! While I am truly enjoying my beautiful ahem new rack, the joy only lasts a few minutes while getting dressed in the morning because then I realize that I can still smell shampoo and thought of just that smell makes me want to yak! I know it's all worth it in the end, but I want the sickness to stop. I want to be in the "fat, happy pregnant stage" not the "same chunky as I've been perpetually sick phase." Nothing except mac and cheese, oatmeal and cereal taste good and none of that is healthy all the time. The only other thing that sounds good is the Salmon crepes from Double Eagle and I can't even have that! I know, I know, woe is me, millions of women have been through this and more over centuries, but they're not me and I am ready to embarass myself and throw a fit about it if it will stop! Everyone says the second trimester is better and I only have a few weeks until then. I hope it goes by fast!


Whitney said...

Ohhhhh honey, I remember those days well. And there is NOTHING worse that pregnant puke. I am so sorry for you. But it will be so worth it. And, man, those salmon crepes do sound so good. I love you!

framer said...

It will be over sooner than you think. I remember being there. You have to come visit so after she gets here you and Greg can go get those salmon crepes.

Whitney said...

You and Greg bettr not go for salmon crepes without your Sissy! I mean it!