So...yeah. I got bored a couple of days ago and in my pregnancy mindedness (yes its a real term..I just invented it) I wanted chocolate. BUT in my laziness I didn't want to go anywhere so I started lookin in my cookbooks. I shoulda known better! I found this recipe for chocolate pound cake. I have never made a pound cake- I buy the kind Sara Lee makes that comes out of the aluminum pan. I figured it would make a small loaf pans worth of cake and thats just what I "needed" to calm the craving. The recipe said a tube pan, I have never heard of such a pan, but I figured a loaf pan would achieve the same result. I was wrong. Apparently that means a bundt pan- why can't it just say that? Plus bundt is a fun word to say hehe. The loaf pan is fine- however, you need about six of them to use ALL of the batter. Also I know why it is called pound cake- it has literally one pound of butter! My arteries clogged just mixing it! After digging out all the four pans that I thought would work, two loaf pans, and two heart pans, I had to bake the blob that weighed about six pounds, as it then became known, for almost two hours because of the high elevation. So after wanting the chocolate so bad, it was already 11:00 at night and the cake(s) were still hot. So we have had pound cake everyday now for almost four days. So forgetting, because I think the baby is sucking all my brain cells out, about the catastrophe that created a mountain of dishes and wasted hours of time, today I thought I would make a real cake out of the two heart cakes left over. I needed frosting. Again, too lazy to go buy some Duncan Hines, I thought I could make some. The recipe seemed easier than the cake so I thought why not? I made the frosting, no hitches, but they left out some directions. Of course. You must let said frosting cool dramatically. It was thin but I thought why not just pour it on the cake? Hahahahaha....because it will take over! This cake is out of control and so sweet that it makes your two front teeth literally hurt! I think I will stick to box cakes and maybe just get off my big butt the next time and go buy the Sara Lee pound cake that you thaw and pop out of the aluminum. There's a reason why it has been around for so many years and people still buy it!
You are my favorite. That is all.
Looks good though. Enjoy it!!
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