Friday, February 6, 2009


Yay! We finally have internet!!! But boo because I still have to wait seven more days before we find out if the baby is a boy or a girl and I'm tired of waiting! We went to the doctor last week- who by the way is the cutest little british lady ever (I want to put her in my pocket and take her home) only to find out that yet again we are unable to see our baby!!! Don't we have the right to see our own child? Isn't the puking and the exhaustion worth a peek or something? We did get to hear the heartbeat again though, a sound I never get tired of hearing and after the cute lady squished my stomach around and made me have to pee, everything seems to be going well. Wednesday we went to a meet the midwives seminar (the british lady is a midwife) to find out more information about midwives and we got to take a tour of the hospital. The maternity ward is very nice- they just built it about six months ago so its beautiful. I was excited and then realized the next time I would be there in those rooms I would probably be in the most intense and awful pain of my life. HHmmmm...puts it all in perspective! :)I also found it disturbing that there is a mirror in the delivery room. Upon leaving said room I informed my very mortified husband (they showed a movie, and it showed, well, everything) that under no circmstances that the mirror would be allowed in the room at any time and to be prepared to cover it with whatever was availabe upon entrance. He informed me that he already had it covered and noticed that the mirror had wheels and could be turned around- he was already planning on taking care of it for me. If I ever doubted that this man was my one and only soul mate all doubts went away when he informed me of this plan immediatly upon walking into the room. We are truly meant for each other. It's amazing how something so small can totally make you love someone so much more!

On the up side of life, Mike has taken almost all of his training tests and passed with 90% and more (thank the Lord cuz if he failed we moved for nothing!) all kidding aside, I knew he would do well. He works so hard at everything he does! Anyway, I am very proud of him. The job market is pretty stinky here but I have been subbing for a pre school. And after a day with those kiddos I am exhausted.

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