Friday, September 26, 2008
An Update
Well update for this week...still no job, the count of pregnant friends has gone from six to eight.......and I am still not included. House still a and air conditioner both broken........weight: 4,000 pounds.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
I Hate 2008!
That is my new motto. It ryhmes and its true. Just when I couldn't get any lower, the other shoe drops. It's not enough all things I've been through, most of my family being truly horrid and crazy, not having a job, being treated like garbage, not being able to get pregnant...oh no that wasn't enough. Why should it be? Everything seems to work out for everyone. Most everyone has things just handed to them. They don't even realize how blessed they are. I try to be a good person, responsible and I've always done what everyone has expected me to. But it's all for nothing. I worked for 5 1/2 years in college so that I could be financially secure and now I don't have a job because of what should be a great oppurtunity. I know that Albuquerque is, but I can't see that right now. All I can think about is moving and packing and finding a place to live for Mike and I and my mom. I don't know what's going to happen with my mom. It's going to be hard. I don't even know that my car will make it. It broke down yesterday at school and I had to tow it home. I don't even know what's wrong with it. But we're pretty sure it will cost an arma dn a leg, two things that I will have to sell because I have no job. It's a peice of junk and I don't want to put any more money into it, but I can't afford another car. I don't know tha I will ever be able to. I lost an earring of my favorite pairs and I whacked my hand so hard it's a little swollen. If I hear one other person say that everyone goes through times like this I could scream. Yes, some people do- others don't and they're still not happy. I have several friends and family that are handed everything. I'm not just talking material things, I'm talking in life. They're irresponsible sometimes selfish people and they get what they want. What do I have to do? When do I get what I've worked for? I'm not talking a million dollars or things I don't deserve or didn't earn. I'm talking about what I have otherwise why bother? I know people who have worked hard and been a genuily good person their entire life and they have lived the hardest life- with very few good things. Am I destined to be that kind of person? When does it work out? Will it work out? I know I'm on a huge pity party, but I don't know how much more I can handle. It hasn't been just this year it's been my whole life. The only thing right now that motivates me to get out of bed right is my husband and the few people who truly love and care about me. I don't know what kind of person I would be without them. I guess I'm done now. It's time for me to suck it up and go find a job today.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
2008 continues to STINK!
The emotional rollercoaster that is my life this year has just made another loop-to-loop. I tried to be professional and tell my principal early that I would be moving.I made the mistake of saying that the end date as something we could decide on and I would support anything that was for the good of my students. WRONG. Now I am out of a job. No lie when I was first told, I was thinking it would be a relief and I could focus on moving....but now, I dunno. This district is way messed up and I have been waiting to be put on the list to sub, but apparently there's problems with that. More than that, I didn't realize how hard it would be to leave my class. I tried not to cry all day, but the last hour was just too much. More than that I wasn't able to really tell my kids goodbye because of an assembly and then I had to be at the an interview (I'm on the committee) at 2:15- school ends at 2:30. Great right. Then Mike came and helped me clean out my room. All that work, days and days, and we took it down in 3 hours. If this wasn't bad enough, I still have to do report cards, update my grade book, and grade the last two weeks worth of work by Monday. This has been a whirl wind week. I know the oppurtunities in Albuquerque are great and that's what I'm trying to focus on. Please pray for us- for a job for me (now), and moving two households.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Dog Days of Summer
My poor puppies. It's hard having a dogs life. As many might know its been raining like crazy here and the mosquitos are horrid. So I thought it would be a good idea to take my dogs to the vet to make sure they don't get heartworm. This of course means that they have to have blood drawn and while Squeaker could care less if you stick her, because you're at least paying attention to her, it was a tragically horrible day for Ellie. When they stuck her she jumped which caused bleeding that had to be bandaged. So when she left the vet it looked like se had broken a leg and to look at the fear in her eyes,you would think she almost died. But luckily she was happy to see me today because I wasn't the mean person who took her to the vet! It's been hours, and she's still angry with him! She's a typical girl holdin' a grudge against a guy who did her wrong!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
The Fights...GRRRR
So I was supposed to go to the dirt track races on Saturday- something I have been looking forward to ALL week, but on Friday my little hubby calls me and tells me there is a change of plans. Apparently his boss bought ring side tickets to the fight and invited us. We thought it was boxing. Although I am not a huge fan of this sport, I thought it would be okay. When we got there, we found out it was cage fighting. For those of you who don't know, it's a mix of martial arts, wrestling and boxing. GGREEAAATT right? Uh, yeah. Not my favorite. But my husband is very good to me and I thought I can sit through this for him and I did. The only thing I did enjoy was seeing my good friend Tiffany who I never get to see but wow- that's a few hours I'm never gettin' back. I'm all for violent sports but watching big bloody, sweatin, guys hit each other and roll around the floor in their underwear does not a fun evening make for this girly girl. Well, at least it was free- it was very generous of Mike's boss too. P.S. Don't worry either sports fans. Soon to come will be the photos I took with my phone so you won't miss a thing!

Monday, September 1, 2008
My Birthday
Okay, okay, I know the older you become the more birthdays don't matter. BUT they should be more fun. The day of my actual birthday was not so much fun. But the weekends before and after were pretty great! The weekend before Stacey came back into town from Corpus Christi so we went singin and dancin. Then the weekend after Mike took me to dinner with Leslie and Jared- we had a blast and we found an alias for Jared- Ed Lobste. It's a long story but please refer to the picture. And Mike was the best! ?He got me the first two seasons of Friends, a $50 gift certificate to the teacher store and he brought me lunch. Not only that, but he spread out the gifts and cards so that my birthday stretched out all day! My husband and friends are great! Alicia, My Sissy and Mike's family are awesome too! They made sure that since they couldn't be here- they gave me fabulous gifts! I am so blessed!
My Classroom
I have been trying to post pictures of m classroom now for awhile. Needless to say I have been a little busy. Although I am excited to show these photos- I worked really hard on my classroom and I did it all be myself- I don't get to enjoy it much longer. Since Mike got a job with State Farm starting in January, my time with my class is limited. I will miss my kids, but I am so excited to get out of Las Cruces and get on with the rest of our lives! This is going to be a great adenture and as hard as it will be to leave the wonderful people we have become friends with, I think this will be a great transistion and oppurtunity for us. God has blessed us so much and I think that this will be a wonderful thing for us. I'm so excite only 4 months to go!
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